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The Turkish Alphabet and Pronunciation

Published August 31st, 2020 and viewed 1726 times.

The Turkish Alphabet is a Latin-script alphabet that has 29 letters. 21 consonants and 8 vowels. For over a thousand years The Turkish was written in the Arabic alphabet. For this reason, it's rich in loanwords, a great amount of Arabic and Persian vocabulary blended with Turkish words. 

The Sounds of The Turkish Letters



A - a as "a" in Car - Sun - Father Never like Apple
B - b as "b" in Bee - Book  
C - c as "J" in Jam - Jar - Jimmy  
Ç - ç as "ch" in Check - Chat  
D - d as "d" in Door - Duck  
E - e Bet - Apple - Tell Never like Feet
F - f as "f" in Feel - Fight  
G - g as "g" in Go - Gun Never like Gentle
Ğ - ğ Not pronounced - It lengthens preceding vowel slightly - as "gh" in Weight - Light No word starts with Ğ.
H - h as "h" in Hot - Hello Never silent.
I - ı Like the first "e" of Silence or Brother  
İ - i Feet - Bee - Like the first "e" in Teacher Never like "Island" or "Iron"
J - j Pleasure - Like zh. or z in Azure  
K - k King - Kind - Cake  
L - l Let - Lemon  
M - m Memory - Madam  
N - n Nelly - Nice  
O - o More - For  
Ö - ö Bird - German - Dirt - Turn  
P - p Pad - Pepper  
R - r Red - Remove - Rap  
S - s Sam - Sand - Sun  
Ş - ş Like "sh" - Fish - Finish - Dish  
T - t Ten - Time - Turn  
U - u Like "oo" - Blue - Cool - Glue  
Ü - ü Like German "ü" (München) - New - Few  
V - v Victor - View - Volt  
Y - y Yes - You - Yummy Y is never like "why"
Z - z Zip - Zoom - Zen  
Samet Çelmeli
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